Death Plan
Spring 2019
Made in collaboration with Søren Sjøstrand Madsen
This project is the result of attending the course Design as a Critical Practice during my master’s.
We all die some day. The Death plan was created to provoke people of all ages to reflect on their wishes for what they want to happen with their body the day they dies, as well as informing them about the consequences of the choices they make for their burial.
The interaction with the death plan followed three steps:
- The user was asked to fill out a questionnaire by popping little “buttons” out of a plate on which the questions were written to mark their answers.
- The plate would then be put unto a reader that could read the answers.
- The reader’s thermal printer would then print a death plan based on the user’s answers, that the user could bring with them.

The questionnaire contained the questions that can be seen in the image below:

And an example of a death plan that the users could bring with them, could look like the image below:

This project was exhibited at dokk1 during Internet Week Denmark 2019 as part of a collection together with the Undertaken App.