Spring 2017

Made in collaboration with: Helena Naumov Rasmussen, Sabrina Kjærager Larsen and Julya Konelskaya Raimensborg.

Keychain and Plant Keychain Plant
KashKey - Making money sense-able

KashKey Key Chain

My group and I wanted to create a design that gave children an easier relation with their “digital money”, than what our field studies showed they had. This design is a keychain that keeps track of the child’s account and makes it easier for the child to calculate future investments. The video displayed a functional prototype, that is an oversized version of the design envisioned.

KashKey Plant

This design is made together with the KashKey keychain, that is also displayed on this site. The plant can scan a child’s KashKey keychain, and then the plant will display a representation of the child’s current economic status. If the child is doing well economically, the plant will rise high, and opposite, if their economy is doing badly.

Link to blog