Spring 2020

The Perfect Dataset™ was the product for my master thesis. My master thesis was written about the demographic bias that often exists in biometric technology. The product had the role of a communicative tool, that encourages awareness and critical reflection about demographic bias in biometric technology.

The product is made according to the following narrative, which is written from the perspective of the company that has made a campaign called The Perfect Dataset™. The company is called Orange Inc., and they want to create a solution to the problem of demographic bias in facial recognition. Therefore, they have made a program that is based on existing detection technology, that can collect faces to improve future facial detection software. On the company’s webpage is a link to the campaign. The program, that makes up the campaign will only accept faces of people it does not yet detect into the dataset it is creating. So, the program is meant as a campaign where the general public is asked to “donate” their face to partake in the improvement of facial detection and elimination of inequality in the software. The webpage states the purpose and the terms upon which the user is donating their face.

Try The Perfect Dataset™

Go to Orange Inc’s website

The code for the project can be found here