Spring 2016

Made in collaboration with: Ida Søndergaard, Maja Olsen and Steffen Wollau Christensen

The program is a twitter bot, that searches for secrets, confessions, and the like, that were posted 6 days ago, and then retweets them onto a confession bot twitter account. Whenever there is a search result that matches the given criteria, the tweet will be retweeted and displayed in the display window, along with the text: “Secret obtained”. These “obtained secrets” will be saved in a separate text file. It will then increase a displayed counter in the window by 1 every time a new tweet has been found. This counter will depend on the separate text file, so that it will save the amount of “obtained secrets”, for the next time the code is executed.

The piece focuses on today’s attitude towards “sharing”. It is incredibly easy to share information on various social media websites today. This can be seen as an issue when people start thinking less about what they share and with whom they share it with. All this data is stored, often without their knowledge, and can be retrieved by everybody with access to it including sometimes the platform they shared it on.

See the confession bot twitter profile here